My own terms
When it comes to recording music, the circumstances and surroundings are always a tricky factor to me as I am not the kinda guy who is able to record at any time, any place, specially not when there is somebody else’s clock around ticking. So having my own working space and recording facilities, which is lately, not much more than my Power Mac, is having the benefit of creating and recording at any time I like without bothering neighbours or them bothering me. That kind of freedom has become essential to me in the creative process of making an album.
Writing and recording
My working space in Almere City is nearby a big lake. The area around in this new piece of land is still full of fields and woods and has hardly any domestic activity. Just the right surroundings for me to get inspired. Although slightly different than the scene of The Band’s ‘Big Pink’, located in the Catskill Mouintains, nearby Woodstock USA, it somehow reminds me of my once visit over there in 2009. Obviously, due to the nice and quiet atmosphere, filled with fresh air, only to let creativity come naturally without any disturbance from the outside.

Starting from scratch
So after a short ride or walk in the fields and woods around here, I usually sit down with my guitar and start playing without any pre thoughts. Whatever comes to my mind at that moment, I record simultaneously. It’s mostly then when I realize that the music is finding its own path while the notes are flowing from my fingers. From then on it’s all just a matter of letting things land in the right spot while creating a new track. At least, I guess that’s the way things kind of seem to work for me.
In my next blog I will talk about the influence of a few great movie scores from the 1980’s.
This short video below will give you an impression of the surroundings near my working space…